
The good life — 7 tips for a fab French Riviera trip

Back in 1887, writer Stephen Liegeard described the French Riviera as a ‘coast of light, of warm breezes and mysterious balmy forests’. Since then, this sublime stretch of Mediterranean coastline from Toulon in the west to the French-Italian border in the east has become a honeytrap for artists like Picasso and random castaways bewitched by its reputation for glamour and excess.

Fozia, South America

Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is a group of islands located close to Brazil in South America. It is a tourist site in Brazil with secluded white sandy beaches, historic sites, unique landscapes, and nature discoveries to explore in the islands.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia

Cape Tribulation

Cape Tribulation is a leisure site in Queensland State of Australia. It is part of Daintree National Park and considered a world heritage site. Cape Tribulation got its title from its first European discoverer, Lieutenant James Cook in the late 18th century.

Fozia, North America


Alcatraz is a well-known Island in California State of the United States of America. It positions itself in the bay of San Francisco. This 22-acre island is a place for recreational activities and realization of its importance in history.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia

Samoa Island

Samoa is a great tourist destination n the South Pacific region. It is an island country with a population of less than half a million people living in it. Samoa consists of many islands with only a few settlements.

Fozia, North America


Tulum is lovely resort located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. This is one of the places to explore the ancient popularity of the Mexican society. Tulum displays many archaeological findings, signs of Mayan existence through their existing old structures, nice hospitality services, and beautiful extensive beaches beside the clear turquoise Caribbean Sea.

Fozia, North America

Clearwater City, Florida

Clearwater is a place to enjoy varieties of holiday excursions in Florida. Clearwater City has many attractions within it. More so, it is based close to the coastal shoreline so there is a place to enjoy a calm and peaceful arena away from the city life.

Fozia, North America

Atlantic City, USA

Atlantic City is a port city in the New Jersey State of the U.S. The city is an old city that was established in the mid 19th century. Atlantic City is popular for its lively white sandy beach, massive entertainment centers, and casino gambling activity that is legalized in the city by the 1976 referendum.

Africa, Fozia

Tristan da Cunha Island

Tristan da Cunha is a cord of moderately pocket-sized islands. The island nation is located at the center of the South Atlantic Ocean. The closest place to this archipelago is Saint Helena, which is near 3000 kilometers from the islands and roughly the same distance from southern coastal region of the African continent.

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