Antarctica, Fozia, Uncategorized


The Antarctica continent is the south most continent of the earth (within the South Pole). Its location renders it an uncomfortably cold climate, and its natural environment is mostly covered in ice except for the water passage used by the vessels for transport.

Africa, Fozia

Mozambique, Africa

Mozambique has a terrific standoff for scuba divers, anglers, boaters, and beach fans. It is a country located on the Indian Ocean coast towards the south of the African continent, where it neighbors several South African countries including Zimbabwe.

Fozia, Uncategorized

Budget airlines make travel so much easier

The thought of jumping on a plane for a week’s break in the sun at short notice used to be unimaginable for the majority of people just a few decades ago, but now, with the absolute explosion in cheap flights and budget airlines offering them, it’s a realistic possibility for millions of people.

Europe, Fozia

Don’t forget the countryside when you go to the UK

Overseas visitors to the United Kingdom often go there on holiday to see and appreciate a lot of the history and culture that the country has to offer. You could spend weeks and months in London without seeing all the art, architecture and museums that it has, let alone the entertainment like the ballet, opera, theatre and musicals.

Africa, Fozia

Tunisia, Africa

Like other developed Arabic countries, Tunisia stands out as a fantastic tourist destination in North Africa. Tunisia lies within the Sahara desert region, and this location bestows it with beautiful scenery of the desert and its sand dunes.

Africa, Fozia

Sudan, Africa

Sudan is a well-known African country located at the eastern side of the continent. The country has a long sad history of civil war, but it is slowly recovering from the consequences of the long periods of instability.

Africa, Fozia

Swaziland, Africa

Swaziland is one of the amazing destinations in Africa. It is one of the few kingdoms that have existed for many centuries, even before the colonial period. Traditional cultures have been maintained so most of the cultural practices can still be witnessed today.

Asia, Fozia

Singapore Curious Facts

Singapore is one of the most attractive tourist destination in South East Asia. This is one of the fastest developing countries in the world with amazing cities with high skyscrapers, huge shopping malls, modern night clubs and restaurants.

Africa, Fozia

Tanzania, Africa

Tanzania is a well-known Swahili-speaking nation. Its large size of territory covers a wide range of attractions. The Tanzanians are friendly and they show remarkable respect to every visitor they meet in their land.

Africa, Fozia

Uganda, Africa

A tour to Uganda reveals Africa’s most endangered animal species, and a variety of nature explorations that can be fantastic. Uganda also unfolds its own African heritage through its famous, unique, traditional dances in some tourist hotels.

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