Australia and Oceania

Australia and Oceania, Fozia, Islands

Solomon Islands

The Solomon’s island has a wealth history dating back to about 2000BC when the humans are believed to have lived here. The archipelago however, remained isolated from the rest of the world until 1568 AD when Alvaro de Mendana of Spain became the first European to explore it.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia

New Zealand

New Zealand experiences all the four seasons of the year. However, every season has its unique way of enjoying holidays while touring in New Zealand. During the winter season you will find people ice skating, riding on snow mobiles among other snow games enjoyed in the island.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia


Australia is the tourist destination you are looking for. Located at the south of the Pacific Ocean, farther east from the African Continent, Australia is a huge island graced with extensive coastal beaches surrounding its main land.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia

Kiribati Islands

Kiribati is a national republic composed of thirty –three islands that are atolls in nature. Having many islands blesses the nation with numerous beaches, the beauty of the surrounding lavish blue Pacific Ocean, a splendid marine environment, diverse plant and animal species and many natural features in the islands that are waiting to be seen.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia, Islands

Cook Island

Cook Islands are a group of fifteen small islands lying almost solely in the south of the Pacific Ocean. The only close island to these islands is New Zealand, which the Cook Islands border to its north east side but quiet a distance crossing the prime meridian line to reach the Cook Islands.

Asia, Australia and Oceania, Fozia, Islands

Cocos Island

Cocos Islands are small emerging coral spots in the Indian Ocean, North West of Australia and are territories of Australia. Cocos Islands are accessible by air transport thus; visitors often arrive at the Cocos International Airport in West Island of Cocos Islands from Perth, Australia.

Australia and Oceania, Fozia

Western Samoa

Western Samoa is a group of islands that lies between the Hawaii and New Zealand. It is also known as Western Samoa because it occupies the western part of the Samoa Islands. It is part of the Polynesian territory of islands located in the western part of the South Pacific Ocean.

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