Why is traveling important for your health improvement and preservation?

Nowadays many people suffer from what we call massive non-contagious diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal disfunction all caused by stress. Each day there is a battle where we try to avoid discomfort and stress but most of the time we lose this battle and our health suffers. Maybe our methods and weapons are not sufficient? Or maybe we need something stronger like getting away from it all? It seems too easy, but traveling and vacations have proven to be more than efficient in fighting many kinds of diseases and health issues. It is not only a great cure, but it is also the best prevention!

Why is traveling so beneficial? Let’s put it like this: once you get away from the reality which is toxic most of the time, all you are left to do is face the new surrounding and enjoy it. But, you must enjoy it to the fullest! Be careful though, traveling won’t be a good cure if you don’t enjoy it. Let’s try and see why is that so from a medical point of view. Hormones in your body are like little carriers of sadness and happiness. Depending on which ones are dominant, you will feel in such away. For example, you traveled to a sunny beach you dreamt about for a long time. The sun shines on your skin and the sea is gentle to you. Your mind is careless and sooner than you think you will get overflown with hormones of happiness. Your blood pressure will decrease, heart rate normalizes and you feel as you were born again. Even your shin shines to show how you feel from the inside.

Many of you have no time for themselves at home and traveling changes that. It becomes all about you and you finally have time to devote all attention to yourself. You might even have some time for physical activity! We all know it is the best posture corrector!

When we say traveling improves your health that does not mean you need to spend all your money and travel to another part of the world. Sure, it would be awesome if you can but most of us can afford small trips to nearby countries. And stay calm, no matter how far you get to go, it is often more than enough! Just the thought of vacation brings joy and sleeping in until you get tired of sleeping is amazing!

What is your best advice and what do you do to improve your health? Is it a holiday season or something else? Don’t be shy if you don’t disagree with us, there are billions of people in the world and we all have our methods!