When people hear the name London, the first thing that comes to their minds is the famous Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, London Eye, and the rich history of the city. As the capital of the United Kingdom, London has a lot to offer. River Thames, which floats right through it, means a lot to this city’s attraction, and it’s one of the things that make London so special.
First built by the Romans, and used as the center of trade, today this huge city represents England’s culture. Now, all the villages that surrounded it, became part of this metropolis. Some of these areas maintained their identity, and individuality, but others lost all of that, and merged into one whole. Now, they all are part of the great metropolis, London.
London, just like most of the prominent cities in the world, has its international airport. This connects this metropolis to every part of the world. The costs are very reasonable, and many people can afford to travel abroad. But, modern London has a lot more things to offer. The Gherkin, as one of the most eye-catching buildings in London, stands out prominently in the city’s skyline. It is one of the several modern buildings, built here over the ages. Other specific features are St Paul’s Cathedral and the historic political houses of the Parliament.

Numerous important historical events happened here. The life of the monarchs, the arrival of the Normands, World War II, they all left their marks. So, all over the city, you can see some buildings, monuments, churches, all remainings of the past. Those many historical buildings add a certain charm to this place. The Great museum, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of the Parliament, and the London eye are the most attractive landmarks. Despite the fast life and modern look, these buildings add a touch of elegance and glamour.
The dramatic, fast life here is a result of the development and modernization. Because it has many citizens, and mixed cultures, people here speak over 300 languages. There is something that represents every culture here, like different restaurants, different shops, and clothes… So here, you have a variety of nationalities, all merged into one whole. And all of this makes London one of the most exciting cities in the world.
Every part of the city is different from the others, and you surely won’t get bored exploring its streets. But you might get lost. However, this is not something you need to worry about since in every corner lurk black cabs, and double-deckers, as well as an underground system, so you could easily get around the city. As for the food, the mix of tastes and flavors is extraordinary. Famous British chefs have their restaurants here. One of them is the recently opened Dinner by Heston Blumenthal.
In different areas of London, different cultures have domination. South African subculture is settled in Raynes Park, Chinatown is a place used for Chinese shops, and it is used only for that purpose. Around the city you have numerous restaurants, all preparing different culinary recipes. Whatever season you pick to go to London, the rain will welcome you there. In winter there’s fog, and it’s very cold. Summer days are sunny, and warm, and it’s very pleasant. But there constant changes in weather that don’t cause problems for the ones well prepared.
Many historical buildings add a certain charm to this place. The Great museum, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of the Parliament, and the London eye are the most attractive landmarks. Despite the fast life and modern look, these buildings add a touch of elegance and glamour. More than 7 million citizens live in an area of 1,583 square kilometers, in Great London. London Metropolitan Region or the London Metropolitan Agglomeration are larger areas, with a population of more than 12 million citizens, in an area of 8,382 square kilometers.
The primary geological attraction is the river, Thames. Around the Thames Valley, are situated hills that complete the scene. Most prominent of them are Parliament Hill, Addington Hills, and Primrose Hill. A long time ago, this river was much wider, shallow. However, it still has the same beauty, and charm, and it is still the main attraction in London.