How to spend quality time in Cappadocia?

What is time well-spent on a vacation for you? Is it wondering in nature, learning about the history of the place or just relaxing by the beach? All of this and many more Cappadocia is offering no matter the season and their goal is to make the list of activities endless!

Is it possible, we don’t know, but what we do know is that the time spent in Central Anthalia will be the one to remember. We will list the possibilities considered to be the most popular but it is on you to choose the order in which you will try them out!

You are into music or theatre? Cappadocia isn’t just a rustic area with unique landscapes. What also stands out is late night shows in many local restaurants. Traditional Sema, the whirling dervishes show is very often performed by professional dancers. It is more like a ritual and every song, movement and emotion is a spiritual journey. For a small fee, you can witness a performance worthy of a king!

Ihlara Valley is a magical creation and it is considered to be a panoramic viewpoint. It is an introduction to what awaits for you while in Cappadocia. From your hotel on the way there, you can ask your tour guides to make a couple of short stops for photo shooting. Those photos are later connected to the stories and history comes alive.

During the vacation season, social networks are swarming with stunning posts from Cappadocia but the perspective of the photographs taken seems strange? Well, the view from the hot air balloon is all but usuall. It is an expedition made for adrenalin addicts and hedonists as well. Nowhere in the world, you can experience such a view first hand. And when the wind is kind, the sky above the region becomes so colorful absorbing your attention fully.

Turkish nights are well known among the tourists and it is an evening that combines authentic music, traditional dancing and drinks in caves build to improve the unconventional experience. Imagination can be awakened sooner if all senses are touched!

Quad bike tours with certified tour guides are amazingly popular and these tours can be made private as well! Experienced adventurers told us that the best time of day to hop on the quad and drive around Cappadocia is in the sunset. Golden sunrays shine upon the ancient valley revealing the long-forgotten footsteps of the Turkish ancestors.

For those who prefer two-wheelers, biking tours are also listed as a popular offer. Safe, well-known trails go through the Red Valley and all you need is high energy level, good motivation and a backpack with basic necessities.

Gourmets can bot only try the food but learn how to prepare it as well! Cooking classes are a request these days so many villages around Cappadocia offer a culinary time machine. Go back in time and see how food used to be made without modern technology and cooking appliances. It is a privilege to be accepted in their small family even for a day to learn as much as you can and respect it!

Considering a trip to central Turkey any time soon? After this article, we hope it will at least be on your bucket list and you won’t regret it. Of you have already been there, we are open to more suggestions!

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