Top 5 Most Exciting Cities in the World

Travel means joy, excitement, fun and craziness. There are so many cities in the world that can provide you all of that, but some of them are on a higher level. Here is our list of 5 most exciting cities on the planet:
Las Vegas: No doubt, Las Vegas is one of the most exciting cities in the world. Its bright lights, bustling atmosphere, upbeat surrounds, and friendly, bubbly people bring out the thrill in all corners of Vegas. You feel you are in a huge adventure park when in Las Vegas–everybody has a reason to jump into his own exploration, may it be in the casinos, nightclubs, bars, restaurants, or just in its streets! May it be a laid-back chat with friends over coffee and pastries in one of its quaint restaurants during the daytime, or non-stop dancing and playing the game of luck in the evening, there is no restricting the fun in Las Vegas.
New York: The beaming lights of Times Square and its other iconic structures allure everyone to the City that Never Sleeps. Millions of people dream of stepping in this bustling center to experience how it is to walk, live, and play in what is considered as the world’s capital. Trade, business and commerce may be associated with New York due to its towering buildings but below these intimidating business centers are wide nature parks for relaxation, upscale shopping centers for retail therapy, dining destinations for the discriminating taste, historic galleries and museums, and so much more.
Rio de Janeiro: The parties in Ipanema and the sand of Copacabana are more than enough to make Rio de Janeiro one of the most exciting cities in the world. What visitors most love about this city are the cariocas as they are the perfect examples of what party people is all about. Thanks to night parties and stunning beaches, the locals have grown to love dressing very little that makes room for wild imagination–something that never fails to intrigue and excite most visitors. There is no city like Rio de Janeiro, where beaches are just around the corner and night parties are part of the daily living.
Abu Dhabi: You may wonder why, this city that embodies strict restrictions including kissing in public is considered an exciting place to be. Well, the rules, that result to severe punishments if not followed, are part of the excitement! Over the years, Abu Dhabi has proven itself that it is a city that boasts of impressive features for both its locals and visitors. It is one of the most affluent cities in the world as evidenced by its malls that are all upscale and high-end, living every shopping aficionados in awe. There are wide oasis in every corner of Abu Dhabi showcasing its love for nature, and an endless list of awesome accommodations ranging from luxurious hotels and exciting beach resorts. There are boundless opportunities in Abu Dhabi, and from Ferrari World to the largest mosques in the world, there is something to be excited about in going to Abu Dhabi.
Bangkok: Talk of exciting Asian cities and Bangkok will surely be part of the list. There is no denying that the capital of Thailand has gained a reputation as one of the thriving and ever-growing cities not just in Asia, but in the world. But what makes it exciting is the fact that it still holds on tight to its rich traditions and culture making this city a reflection of what perfect blending of modernity and history is like. The people are competitive and open-minded yet reserved, polite and warm. The surrounds encompasses skyscrapers and wide nature parks, and happenings are composed of urban parties and cultural festivals. Bangkok is colorful and alive in all turns and corners, a city that absolutely caters to thrill-seekers and adventure-lovers.
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