What do you think, how long does it take to fill in a passport? You probably don’t even know how many pages does it have, but you know it would take some time until you are issued a new one. We don’t necessarily agree with your opinion. According to our research, you can get it all stamped in 12 months! Sure, it is a huge challenge, so here are a few tips to help you win it.
Clear your schedule for the next year
Easier said than done, right? The truth is, we all dream of taking a year off and dragging our luggage on every airport you can get your feet on. Then why not dare and make your life a true adventure?
Traveling has never been cheaper and more accessible than these days. Airplane tickets often cost less than any other mean of transportation and who knows what the situation will be like in a couple of years. Having said this, we truly think that now is the right time to be bold! So grab your travel pillow, and enjoy the travel.
Turn on your PC and start buying tickets
Next 12 months of your life are clear, what is next? Now comes the fun part, picking out a destination. What is the closest place to your home you have always wanted to visit? We bet you already have something in mind! Great, you have chosen a place to start so buy the ticket and book a hotel. Once you arrive at your new destination, go out and explore, visit local restaurants and museums since your life is about to get a lot more interesting. One early morning go out for a coffee and think about which country would you like to have your lunch next? See the pattern yet? Remember only one thing, there is no limit for you in the next 12 months!
Last but not least-packing your bags
As exciting as traveling can be, packing for it can be exhausting. A year away from your home means you will have to bring your necessities with you at all times. This doesn’t mean all your clothes and accessories. A passport, credit cars and a few maps or guidebooks are essential, all else can be bought anywhere you go. Since you will be on your feet all the time, pick the smallest possible bag to be your companion on this journey. Don’t waste your energy by carrying heavy luggage around. It is not only a waste of energy but it is stressful as well. Maybe a backpack would be the best option for this adventure.
You never know how much time you have left on this beautiful Earth. But, you know you are here now, reading this text. Make a choice in life, the one you will not regret but the one you will happily remember and even maybe tell your grandchildren about. After 365 days of this around the world trip, we guarantee that you will have to wait in a queue to ask for a new passport. Maybe you will even fill that one in sooner than you imagined?