Papua Guinea is an attractive island with phenomenal sites that wait to be seen by its visitors. Papua Guinea has been a popular spot for international tourists. It is a fact that Papua New Guinea is an amazing travel destination. It is one of the Oceania groups of islands that situate themselves in the western part of the great Pacific Ocean bordering Australia to the northeast. Papua Guinea is not only an island but is also a territory of fully independent people thus calling the island the Republic of Papua Guinea.

Papua Guinea has its international airport called Jackson International Airport. This is the destination for every tourist that arrives at Papua Guinea Island from Australia, Philippines, Tokyo-Japan, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Solomon Islands, and Hong Kong-China. Tourists can alternatively board a ferry from Brisbane-Australia to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea.
Papua Guinea has several sites to be seen and admired by its tourists. Many of these sites include the following:
The eastern part of Papua New Guinea Island is a rich vegetative region that is favorable for hiking, water rafting, mountain climbing, and mountain biking. This part of the island has many great rivers namely; River Asaro, River Tua, River Ramy, River Lamari, and River Sonatina. Dense forests cover most of the region with their evergreen trees and underground plants. The mountains in the area let go of the monotony of the forests and make the region a significant haven of the island.

Get closer to fascinating sites like the pretty Madang Town with water bodies and parks, the historic Lae destination with beautiful flora gardens, the Hagen Mountain and Wahgi Valley of the western province and River Sepik that is one of the major rivers flowing in the island from the mountains into the ocean.