Welcome to the next amazing Asian tourist attraction – the Philippines. There are so many things that attract travelers to this beautiful country. We will provide you a couple of facts about the Philippines you should know, before going there. This popular destination presents the second-largest archipelago in the world, containing over 7000 tropical islands, the Philippines is one of the great treasures of Southeast Asia. This tropical paradise is often overlooked by tourists because of its location on the ‘wrong’ side of the South China Sea, but the Philippines gives satisfaction to those who go the extra distance to reach it.

As you can see from the images, this land is a paradise. Being below the sea level it is unforgettable. The Philippines has some of the world’s best diving and snorkeling, together with wreck diving around Coron and swimming with the whale sharks off Donsol. Not so different above sea level as well.

If you are someone like me and you like lying under a palm tree, you cannot love enough white-sand beaches, then you should try laid back Sipalay or maybe even flat-out party town Boracay. I believe that everyone who has been here shares an equal opinion and will tell you that it’s the people and their culture that makes the Philippines unique. Being colonized by the succession of world powers is the main reason why you will see so many different cultures in the Phillippines. This is the main reason why his country is a vivid tapestry that reflects its varied cultural inheritance. Anyway, despite the poverty in there, the Filipinos are among the most easygoing people anywhere. This is why I always admired them.

One of the best things for tourists there is that you can visit so many places at once. Even most of the time Filipinos will take the boat to travel from one island to another island in the Philippines. And how wouldn’t they? It is such a short distance between the islands and the price of the ticket is very low so everyone can afford it.
That is the main reason why almost all tourists will make use of the boat. That is maybe one of the most interesting things about the Philippines. For tourists traveling by boat from one island to another island, is attractive because it offers more possibilities to communicate with Filipinos and Filipinas. That kind of traveling is called “island-hopping”. Once decided to make a trip through the Philippines, make sure you get your travel insurance and choose which boat and which company (or still airplane?) you want to make use of! Don’t wait because this place deserves more tourists. The Filipino people deserve it too.